My GBS Story

Moncton Hospital – Back Here Again

Back here again at the Moncton Hospital. Long wait times here. I finally seen a doctor, it was the same one as last time. He didn’t order an ultrasound this time as he wasn’t concerned for a DVT deep vein thrombosis like the last time. So that’s good no concerns. Looks like antibiotics again for possible cellulitis.

Moncton Hospital - Back Here Again - Long Wait Times - Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome GBS
Moncton Hospital, Getting Ready To Leave, Waiting For My Caregiver To Pick Me Up

On my way back home from Moncton Hospital again. Same issue with leg like last time. This time it was my left leg, last time it was my right leg. Same thing, redness ankle area, pain, swelling and hot to touch. Antibiotics again for 7 days, maybe it just wasn’t long enough last time. I read that when looking up cellulitis.

Here’s to hoping I don’t have to come back again anytime soon. Seems to be my second home since I’ve gotten back.