Thanks Pizza Delight Shediac for a delicious supper for my birthday. I have to thank my care giver today at home. I didn’t have a birthday supper last night as I wanted to as I spent the night at the hospital. She told me today she would pick me up something if I wanted while she picked up my prescription. I haven’t had Pizza Delight in a very long time and that’s my birthday supper tonight. It was good!!! Left overs for a few days. 🥳😋
Pizza Delight Shediac Works Pizza 😋
Pizza Delight Garlic Fingers, yummy!!
Thanks Bernice for picking that up for me. Appreciate it.. Glad I’m back home again and it wasn’t anything to serious last night. Now no more hospitals or ambulance rides anytime soon. 🙂
I’m glad to say that I don’t have a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) no blood clot.The ultrasound came back negative. They suspect cellulitis, as there was elevated white blood cell count as my body was fighting something. I can’t help but think when I hear my body fighting back I think of GBS on how your body gets confused and attacks itself, the nerves. I hope this is nothing but we’ll see. They gave antibiotics through ivy this morning to get it in my system quickly. I’ll be on this antibiotic for next 10 days.
Medication for possible cellulitis for next 10 days
I’m happy to say that I am back home again. Ambulance came picked me up to take me home. It was nice as I was told by a nurse the ambulance attendant said he remembers me. He walked in and it was the first guy that took me to Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Center in Fredericton at the end of September 2019. He also remembers how bad I was and to see how far I’ve come for him was shocking. It was nice to see he said as he often wondered how I was doing.
His father had GBS about over a year ago and I remember our talk the first time. His father was fortunate as it only paralyzed from knees down and had a good recovery and doing well at his age. Minor loss of feeling in one foot. The ambulance attendant said I’ve come a long way and glad I’m doing better and progressing despite my severe case of GBS I had. Everyone is so different on how Guillain Barre Syndrome affects them, how bad and how fast recovery is.
I’m glad to be back home and also glad nothing serious. I will do research on cellulitis as I’ve heard other people who had GBS talk about it. I just know nothing about it really. I’m glad no blood clot, didn’t want to go to hospital really. Better safe then sorry the nurse from Télé Care said on phone last night. I’m the type of guy you basically got to drag me in the hospital as I don’t go for nothing. I once played basketball for a month or so in a league a few years ago and ended up having a hair line fracture of my tibia half way across. The pain got so bad and ended up going in after month or so playing on it. Surgeon said 6-12 months off playing to recover.
Not the way I expected my birthday to finish but I’m ok. Just another bump in the road to my long journey in recovering from GBS.
Thanks everyone for all the get well messages, I appreciate it.
** Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein located deep inside your body. A blood clot is a clump of blood that’s turned to a solid state. Deep vein blood clots typically form in your thigh or lower leg, but they can also develop in other areas of your body.**
Well they did blood work and my white blood cell count was elevated. This could be a sign of an infection. My body is fighting something. I’m on ivy with antibiotics now. Doctor was concerned with possibility of blood clot given by what I’ve been through and recently off blood thinner injection. He ordered an ultrasound to rule out DVT (blood clot).
Waiting on test results from ultrasound to rule out DVT in my right leg.
I just got back from my ultrasound and waiting on results. Hope it’s nothing.