My GBS Story

Day 314 Guillain Barre Syndrome – Video Walking In Parallel Bars Not Holding Bars

Day 314 Guillain Barre Syndrome might not have started good with news this morning that I’m going back to home hospital but I did get video this afternoon walking in parallel bars not holding on to the bars. If you remember I did it for the first time on May 28, 2020 but I never got a video. I said I would next time and I did this afternoon.

Day 314 Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery – Walking in parallel bars not holding the bars – June 9th, 2020

At the start of physiotherapy this afternoon they let me practice sit to stand, then since I’m hooked to the sling I can practice walking not holding on to the bars. It’s nice to try and not have to worry about falling. Always like to see what I can do. I’ll always try. You never fully know what your capable of unless you try. I think I did better today then I did last time and I can only hope that it gets easier each time and I continue to progress.

The sit to stand from wheelchair continues to be an issue. They say I’m getting better at it but it’s a slow, gradual improvement, more like a crawl in my eyes. I can only finish the stand at about 45 degrees up. It takes a lot to do it. Nothings been easy with this whole Guillain Barre Syndrome and you got to work your butt off to get better. I’m hoping that in time, more rehab and more workout time at home it will continue to get better. Hoping to be able to stand up on my own to walk rather then being hoisted up. I’ll continue to work on it. I’ll get there, when that will be I don’t know.

As for now, only a few more days left here for rehab at the Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre in Fredericton. Then hopefully I’m heading back home on Friday and not the hospital. I’ll wish and hope this becomes a reality but we’ll see tomorrow. Till then a few more days of rehab and we’ll go from there. It’s been a long road so far and unfortunately it isn’t over yet.

My GBS Story

Heading Back To Moncton Hospital On Friday – Being Discharged

Well today was the day and just as I thought I’m being discharged on Friday and unfortunately I’m heading back to the Moncton Hospital. Not the news I was hoping for but it is what it is. I was hoping they would give me just two more weeks to get things sorted out to go home, but they didn’t. Now it looks like I’m heading back home but not the home I was looking for. More days ahead in the hospital…

I was really just hoping to just go home once I left here. It’s going to be close to a year or potentially more before I get home now. This has been a long road to recovery. It comes a time when I just got to go to my home. The decision may have been made for me to leave but if I have anything to do with it, I’ll be heading back to my own home on Friday. I’ve made a bunch of calls today so hopefully I’ll have better news tomorrow. The choice was made for me to leave but where I go is my choice. I can only hope that everything works out by Friday. I’m optimistic that it can but I’ll know more tomorrow.