My GBS Story

Walking Between Parallel Bars With No Hands First Time

Well today in Physiotherapy I was walking between the parallel bars for the first time with no hands on the bars. I had to try it, I’ve been wanting to. They know me pretty well, they can see it in my face. It’s always good to see where you’re at too. What you can do and allows you to see how hard things really are and how much farther you need to come in your recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome.

One of the days this week they had me try side stepping. I was able to take a few steps with no hands on bars. Not many but I did it. They also thought at the time I could do some walking forward with no hands. Well today I tried and I did it. I’m hooked up to a sling for safety but it allows me to experiment and try without the risk of injuring myself.

When I first tried it I only was able to take a few steps before grabbing the bars again. After several more attempts I was getting better. It’s the balance you need to learn all over again. I was able to walk the complete length of the parallel bars and I was also starting to feel a little more confident. I started getting a bit more control in my balance. Don’t get me wrong it was by far from perfect. It probably looked like I had a few too many to drink but I did it. It was also good to try at least.

I know I’m a hell of a long ways from ever walking independently but it was nice to try. Nice to see every bit of work I’m doing is helping towards my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. Hoping in the future I’ll be able to walk again independently and hoping some day I’ll get there.

With hard work and determination that day should come. Until then I’ll continue to work hard and hopefully get my life back, my independence and more function in my hands. Next time I do it I’ll be sure to also take a video. Wish I did this time but I was more focused on what I was trying to do.