My GBS Story

Vitamin B12 Supplements Nerve Regeneration, Nerve Damage Repair Guillain Barre Syndrome

Well today I started taking Vitamin B12 Supplements that helps promote nerve regeneration and nerve damage repair. With Guillain Barre Syndrome the myelin sheath the coating on your nerves gets damaged. This is what causes paralysis. If people think of an electrical cord getting cut or damaged the electricity cannot pass through. With the myelin sheath being damaged signal cannot get through. As previously mentioned before it takes a long time for your nerves to heal and repair. With Guillain Barre Syndrome your nerves heal at a rate of 1mm a day. Takes a long time!!!

I brought this up with my doctors a long time ago after much research into Guillain Barre Syndrome on articles related to Vitamin B12 supplements nerve regeneration and nerve repair. Therefore after reading about it I wanted to give my body every possible help I can to recover from Guillain Barre Syndrome. They ordered a blood test however my B12 level were with the normal range. My B12 levels were 370 and normal range is between 150 and 569. As a result the doctors did not feel it clinically necessary to take a Vitamin B12 Supplement.

This has been on my mind for a while so I decided to order some in from Walmart. My reasoning is, could a higher level of vitamin B12 in my system help therefore help with nerve regeneration and nerve damage repair? Could more be better? Could it possibly help my recovery from Guillain Barre? I don’t know, but if it can’t hurt me by taking them, why not try. I’d love to know if higher levels of B12 in your system helps more? Well I’m going to try and find out. If something can’t hurt you why not give your body an extra fighting chance.

Vitamin B12 Supplements Nerve Repair – Consider Taking It

For anyone going through Guillain Barre Syndrome perhaps look into also taking Vitamin B12 Supplements. I knew about how it helps with nerve regeneration but after being in a Facebook Group Guillain Barre Syndrome Survivors with almost 8,900 people in there I’m going to try. Lots of people talking about it as well as Lions mane. Furthermore if there are possible benefits to recovery, try. I wish you all the best for anyone going through this and as always stay strong, you got this!

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately as I’ve been just working hard with my weight loss business, Weight Loss Program & Business Opportunity. I’m going to be posting more here. I just took some time for me lately, and planning on my return home. Lots of planning that’s for sure however things are going well and I’m just taking things one day at a time. That’s all you can do. Time heals everything.