My GBS Story

Coronavirus Pandemic & 20 Days Away From Discharge – How Will This Affect Me?

I’m now 2o days away from possible discharge and with the Coronavirus pandemic affecting people worldwide leaves many questions unanswered. How is this Coronavirus pandemic going to affect me in my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome and my discharge. April 10th is so close, I’m hearing that if I do leave it might be on April 9th due to the statuary holiday. That’s only 19 days away! I’m hoping to stay longer to get where I need to be. The last place I want to go is back to the hospital in Moncton where there are several cases of Covid-19 now back home.

Coronavirus Pandemic Shutting Down Everything

Coronavirus Pandemic Shutting Everything Down Moncton New Brunswick Canada

With the coronavirus going on it may help me stay. It may work in my favour, it may not. There are no outpatient services being offered right now in hospitals due to Covid-19. This would impact my recovery from Guillain Barre as there was a state of emergency declared in New Brunswick. I don’t want to take a step backward for all the work I’ve done to get here for my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome.

Hospital Rehabilitation Discharge Planning Stan Cassidy Fredericton - Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome GBS
Hospital Rehabilitation Discharge Planning Stan Cassidy Fredericton – Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome GBS

Discharge planning is stressful enough and I’m the type of guy who likes to plan ahead and so many things are out of my control right now. The coronavirus doesn’t make planning any easier now. I’m not sure how house is going to get done and made accessible for me due to the financial issue as I’ve received no help from government at all yet. No income for many, many, many months. Companies are closed and organizations closed due to Coronavirus and non essential businesses required to shut down. So many unknowns…. All I can do is wait. I’ll have to wait and see what happens.

As for now I’m happy with my progress and recovery from GBS as I move one step forward with my recovery by walking in SteadyMate Walker. 🙂

Walking With SteadyMate Walker For The First Time! Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery
Walking With SteadyMate Walker For The First Time! Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery

One day at a time, one step forward!!! I’ll walk again independently but as to when that day will be I don’t know. My story continues, my story goes on and one day I’ll reach the ending! 👍

To everyone, please stay safe during these unprecedented times we are all facing with the Coronavirus. Stay home, follow the directions set forth by your government and one day we’ll beat this pandemic. Until then, enjoy some family time at home and be safe. 🙂