In occupational therapy they are doing hand and finger stretching board exercises with me. The reason they are doing this is that my fingers have been tight lately. Some of my fingers on my right hand are curling inwards towards the inside palm of my hand. The pinky finger more then the others.

The tendons in my hand and fingers are tight so they are trying to stretch them out. The occupational therapists at The Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre built this board to do such tasks. They have individual elastics that pulls each finger inwards towards the inside my palm. It’s a joke between myself and the occupational therapist by calling it the torture board. 🙂 Let’s put it this way, it’s a good stretch, hurts at times, but gets the job done.
With Guillain Barre Syndrome people can develop what they refer to as claw hands. I’m hoping to prevent this as my hands have been great up until recently. After basically six months I wasn’t having any issues. Therefore I’m hoping all these hand, finger stretching techniques my occupational therapist is using will address these issues.