My GBS Story

Flu Shots & Guillain Barre Syndrome – Know The Risk GBS Can Happen To You

In case people don’t know the next time you get a flu shot please know that Guillain Barre Syndrome, GBS, is a possibility and this should be explained to you before you get it. Not many people know what Guillain Barre Syndrome is, also referred to as GBS but a patient that was here before me got GBS directly after getting a flu shot.

This could be you! Make an educated decision when getting flu shots. Just know the risk is real.

What I’m going through could happen to you. The chances are slim but the chance is there. I know I can’t get a flu shot as I have increased risk of getting GBS again. Know the risk before you get it as it’s on the form they need to explain this to you before getting it. The risk of getting Guillain Barre Syndrome from a flu shot is real.