In Physiotherapy today they focused on my legs which included leg lifts and leg extension exercises. I’ve been going on the mat more lately to further work on the strengthening of my legs.
These are just some of the types of exercises they have me doing up here at The Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre in Fredericton. I work on leg strengthening and muscular endurance on the SciFit bike as well as the mat exercises.
All of these exercices will therefore help me towards walking again. I also go between the parallel bars pretty much everyday now that my legs are getting stronger and improving. I was also able to stand up in the sling a few days ago supporting all my weight. I’m pretty happy with my progress.

One thing I noticed lately is my right leg is stronger then my left leg. My left leg is weaker. In the videos above as well as the photos slings are used to eliminate gravity. This also allows me to do the exercise as with gravity I can’t quite yet for some. My right leg I can do leg lifts and lower leg extensions without the sling. However on my left leg I can’t that much.

Hopefully with all the exercises I’m doing will help strengthen my legs further. Last week I noticed a little discomfort in my left knee. I’m hoping it’s nothing. Also I don’t need anything holding me back from my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. Hoping it’s just nothing.